1. Lambert Book House provides product information on its website to help customers make buying decisions with regard to the products we manufacture and sell. Lambert Book House owns the copyright on all text, all graphics, and all photographs published on our site. United States and International Copyright laws protect the content on this website as the exclusive intellectual property of Lambert Book House. All copyright and trademark privileges with regard to the text, graphics, designs, and all other materials and products presented by this site are proprietary and reserved for the use of Lambert Book House, exclusively.
2. Requests for private or commercial use of the information on this website will be considered by Lambert Book House on an individual basis. Without the written permission of Lambert Book House, you may not reproduce, upload, post, transmit, download, or distribute any information included on this website, including text, graphics, and photographs. You may not use the text, graphics, or photographs from this website without the written permission of Lambert Book House.
3. Domain names and trademarks used on this website are the sole property of Lambert Book House.
4. You may print copies of the content on this website for personal use, and you may store the files on your own computer for personal use. However, information and graphics on this website may NOT be sold or used for any commercial purpose. Any printed copy must include Lambert Book House copyright information: for example, Copyright © Lambert Book House 2007-08.
5. You may link to the Lambert Book House site, if you follow our Linking Policy by using the following URL www.lambertbookhouse.com.
6. Using any material published on the Lambert Book House website on another website or another network computer environment is prohibited, except through a direct link to the Lambert Book House website.
7. Graphics and photographs published on this site are the copyrighted property of Lambert Book House, and their capture from this site for reuse is strictly prohibited.
8. With regard to the information published on this site, Lambert Book House does not guarantee that these sites are free of error.
9. Lambert Book House is not responsible for information contained on other websites that link to Lambert Book House. Businesses, individuals, and organizations that want to link to the Lambert Book House website must read our Linking Policy, then submit any questions or requests to webmaster@lambertbookhouse.com.
10. Lambert Book House is not liable for any kind of damages perceived as a result of the inability to use the Lambert Book House site, the non-availability of products or information about the products, the misuse of site materials or products purchased from the site, or the misunderstanding of information published on the site.
11. This use of this website’s contents and our Terms of Use agreement shall be recognized as having been set forth in the United States in the State of Alabama and shall be governed entirely by the laws of the State of Alabama without allusion to principles or conflicts of law. When you use our website, you agree to exclusive venue and jurisdiction in the state of Alabama.
12. All questions about the Lambert Book House website, including our linking policy should be directed to webmaster@lambertbookhouse.com.
Linking Policy
To link to the Lambert Book House website, use the following URL: http://www.lambertbookhouse.com, and by doing so, you agree to follow these guidelines:
1. If you link to the Lambert Book House website, you may not imply that Lambert Book House has endorsed, sponsored, or approved of your site or of its sponsors.
2. The modification and redisplay of content published on our website is not allowed. Any presentation of the Lambert Book House content must show clearly that the content presented is the property of Lambert Book House.
3. Duplication of content from the Lambert Book House website (graphics and photos included) for the purpose of publication on your website is not allowed.
4. For linking permissions and guidelines, contact webmaster@lambertbookhouse.com