THE LIVING WAY: New Testament Studies for Adults
Looking for a deeper Bible Study? Try Lambert Book House Adult Bible Study Series: 12 books, 13 quarterly lessons per book, plus discussion questions. Each book provides insightful, detailed Bible studies in a survey format. Learn about Jesus, His apostles, and the beginnings of the church. Study Paul's letters, the general epistles, major events, the backgrounds of the people, their relationships with God, and much more. Curriculum overview
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New Testament:
Year 1
Book 1: The Gospels:
Events and Viewpoints
Price: $4.95
New Testament:
Year 1
Book 2: Footsteps of
Price: $4.95
New Testament:
Year 1
Book 3: Miracles and
Parables of Jesus Christ
Price: $4.95
New Testament:
Year 1
Book 4: The Beginning
and Growth of the Church
Price: $4.95
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New Testament:
Year 2
Book 1: Paul's
Conversion & Missionary
Price: $4.95
New Testament:
Year 2
Book 2: Romans,
1, 2 Corinthians
Price: $4.95
New Testament:
Year 2
Book 3: Galatians,
Ephesians, Philippians,
Price: $4.95
New Testament:
Year 2
Book 4:
1, 2 Thessalonians
Through Philemon
Price: $4.95
New Testament:
Year 3
Book 1: Hebrews
Price: $4.95
New Testament:
Year 3
Book 2: James,
1, 2 Peter, 1, 2, 3 John,
Price: $4.95
New Testament:
Year 3
Book 3: The Revelation
of John
Price: $4.95
New Testament:
Year 3
Book 4: The Gospel Plan
of Salvation
Price: $4.95